UK Prices
Price List
Please note this list is not exhaustive, click here to see a full list of the services offered.
If your preferred procedure is not on the list, please contact us to discuss your needs further.
Our Procedures
These are the costs of the most common procedures and excludes surgical and interventional procedures which would be quoted on request.
1 Hour Pre-endoscopy Procedure Consultation - £200 + VAT
1 hour long consult to discuss procedure, risks/benefits, examination.
1 hour long consult to discuss procedure, risks/benefits, examination.
Respiratory Tract Endoscopy
Upper Respiratory Endoscopy (Rostral Rhinoscopy (rigid) and Retroflexed Nasopharyngoscopy (flexible) ) - £575 + VAT
Procedure time 10-15 minutes - including sample collection
Procedure time 10-15 minutes - including sample collection
This is the examination of the nasal cavity and the nasopharynx, respectively, and is performed in all cases of nasal disease. This is an extremely useful tool for both dogs, and especially cats, presenting with chronic nasal disease. It not only allows for examination and collection of biopsy samples, but it also acts as a therapeutic option in many patients suffering from chronic rhinitis. Interventional procedures quoted on request. Price includes collecting simple biopsy samples.
Procedure time 10-15 minutes including sample collection.
Lower Respiratory Endoscopy (Laryngoscopy and Tracheobronchoscopy) - £575 + VAT
Procedure time 3-5 minutes - including sample collection
Procedure time 3-5 minutes - including sample collection
This procedure is used for examining the larynx, trachea, mainstem bronchi and segmental bronchioles. It can help identify any functional and structural abnormalities, aid in the collection of pathology samples under direct visualisation, and identify and remove respiratory foreign bodies. Price includes collecting BAL samples.
Procedure time 3-5 minutes including sample collection.
Upper and Lower Respiratory Endoscopy performed together - £1100 + VAT
Procedure time 15-20 minutes - including sample collection
Procedure time 15-20 minutes - including sample collection
Procedure time 15-20 minutes including sample collection.
This is the examination of the nasal cavity and the nasopharynx, respectively, and is performed in all cases of nasal disease. This is an extremely useful tool for both dogs, and especially cats, presenting with chronic nasal disease. It not only allows for examination and collection of biopsy samples, but it also acts as a therapeutic option in many patients suffering from chronic rhinitis. Interventional procedures quoted on request. Price includes collecting simple biopsy samples.
Procedure time 10-15 minutes including sample collection.
This procedure is used for examining the larynx, trachea, mainstem bronchi and segmental bronchioles. It can help identify any functional and structural abnormalities, aid in the collection of pathology samples under direct visualisation, and identify and remove respiratory foreign bodies. Price includes collecting BAL samples.
Procedure time 3-5 minutes including sample collection.
Procedure time 15-20 minutes including sample collection.
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (Oesophagoscopy, Gastroduodenoscopy, Proximal Jejunoscopy) - £575 + VAT
Procedure time 10-12 minutes - including sample collection
Procedure time 10-12 minutes - including sample collection
This is the endoscopic exploration of the oesophagus, stomach, small intestine and colon. This minimally invasive imaging technique is useful for investigating cases of regurgitation, trouble swallowing (dysphagia), vomiting, blood in vomit (haematemesis), dark blood in stool (melena), not eating (anorexia), and weight loss. It is most commonly used for obtaining biopsy samples and for interventional purposes (e.g. foreign body removal). Cost includes taking biopsy samples from stomach, duodenum, and proximal jejunum.
Procedure time 10-12 minutes including biopsy collection.
Lower Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (Colonoscopy, Ileoscopy and Distal Jejunoscopy - includes Higginsons Syringe Enema) - £775 + VAT
Procedure time 10-12 minutes - including sample collection
Procedure time 10-12 minutes - including sample collection
This is the endoscopic exploration of the small intestine and colon. This minimally invasive imaging technique is useful for investigating cases of dark blood in stool (melena), not eating (anorexia), diarrhoea, weight loss, fresh blood in stool (haematochezia) and tenesmus. It is most commonly used for obtaining biopsy samples and for interventional purposes (e.g. foreign body removal). Cost includes taking biopsy samples from distal jejunum, ileum, colon.
Procedure time (with enema) 10-12 minutes including biopsy collection. Full written report with images provided.
Upper and Lower Gastrointestinal Endoscopy performed together (includes Higginsons Syringe Enema) - £1300 +VAT
Procedure time 20 minutes - including sample collection
Procedure time 20 minutes - including sample collection
Procedure time 20 minutes.
This is the endoscopic exploration of the oesophagus, stomach, small intestine and colon. This minimally invasive imaging technique is useful for investigating cases of regurgitation, trouble swallowing (dysphagia), vomiting, blood in vomit (haematemesis), dark blood in stool (melena), not eating (anorexia), and weight loss. It is most commonly used for obtaining biopsy samples and for interventional purposes (e.g. foreign body removal). Cost includes taking biopsy samples from stomach, duodenum, and proximal jejunum.
Procedure time 10-12 minutes including biopsy collection.
This is the endoscopic exploration of the small intestine and colon. This minimally invasive imaging technique is useful for investigating cases of dark blood in stool (melena), not eating (anorexia), diarrhoea, weight loss, fresh blood in stool (haematochezia) and tenesmus. It is most commonly used for obtaining biopsy samples and for interventional purposes (e.g. foreign body removal). Cost includes taking biopsy samples from distal jejunum, ileum, colon.
Procedure time (with enema) 10-12 minutes including biopsy collection. Full written report with images provided.
Laparoscopic (KeyHole) Surgery
Laparoscopic (Key Hole) Spay - £500 + VAT
Procedure time 8-10 minutes - from cut to closure
Procedure time 8-10 minutes - from cut to closure
Removal of ovaries only. Procedure time 8-10 minutes.
Diagnostic Laparoscopy - £1500 + VAT
Procedure time 15-20 minutes - from cut to closure
Procedure time 15-20 minutes - from cut to closure
Includes collecting biopsy samples of liver, gall bladder, pancreas, spleen, lymph nodes as clinically indicated.
Procedure time 15-20 minutes cut to finish.
Removal of ovaries only. Procedure time 8-10 minutes.
Includes collecting biopsy samples of liver, gall bladder, pancreas, spleen, lymph nodes as clinically indicated.
Procedure time 15-20 minutes cut to finish.
Unilateral (one ear only) - £575 + VAT
Procedure time 15 minutes - including sample collection & full deep ear cleaning under continuous saline irrigation
Procedure time 15 minutes - including sample collection & full deep ear cleaning under continuous saline irrigation
Examination of both the external and middle ear can be achieved using a rigid endoscope. It is one of the most common applications of endoscopy in veterinary practice, especially for chronic ear disease. Otoendoscopy allows for safe and thorough ear cleaning under constant visualisation, removal of foreign objects, polyp removal and diagnostic sampling. Includes examination of pars tensa, pars flaccida, full endoscopically-guided deep ear cleaning. Does not include tympanic/epitympanic recess assessment or tympanokeratoma (cholesteatoma) debridement. Quote given on request.
Procedure time 15 minutes including sample collection.
Bilateral (both ears) - £1100 + VAT
Procedure time 30 minutes - including sample collection & full deep ear cleaning under continuous saline irrigation
Procedure time 30 minutes - including sample collection & full deep ear cleaning under continuous saline irrigation
Includes examination of pars tensa, pars flaccida, full endoscopically-guided deep ear cleaning. Does not include tympanic/epitympanic recess assessment or tympanokeratoma (cholesteatoma) debridement. Quote given on request.
Procedure time 30 minutes including sample collection.
Examination of both the external and middle ear can be achieved using a rigid endoscope. It is one of the most common applications of endoscopy in veterinary practice, especially for chronic ear disease. Otoendoscopy allows for safe and thorough ear cleaning under constant visualisation, removal of foreign objects, polyp removal and diagnostic sampling. Includes examination of pars tensa, pars flaccida, full endoscopically-guided deep ear cleaning. Does not include tympanic/epitympanic recess assessment or tympanokeratoma (cholesteatoma) debridement. Quote given on request.
Procedure time 15 minutes including sample collection.
Includes examination of pars tensa, pars flaccida, full endoscopically-guided deep ear cleaning. Does not include tympanic/epitympanic recess assessment or tympanokeratoma (cholesteatoma) debridement. Quote given on request.
Procedure time 30 minutes including sample collection.
Urethrocystoscopy / Vaginoscopy - £575 + VAT
Procedure time 10-12 minutes - including sample collection
Procedure time 10-12 minutes - including sample collection
Urethrocystoscopy is the examination of the urethra, urinary bladder and ureteric openings. It is commonly used in small animal patients presenting with blood in the urine (haematuria), incontinence, frequent or abnormal urination (pollakuria), difficulty passing urine (stranguria), chronic bladder infections ( cystitis) and stones in the bladder (urolithiasis). Vaginoscopy can also be performed, in both bitches and queens, for investigating causes of abnormal discharge and urogenital bleeding.
Procedure time 10-12 minutes including sample collection.
Urethrocystoscopy is the examination of the urethra, urinary bladder and ureteric openings. It is commonly used in small animal patients presenting with blood in the urine (haematuria), incontinence, frequent or abnormal urination (pollakuria), difficulty passing urine (stranguria), chronic bladder infections ( cystitis) and stones in the bladder (urolithiasis). Vaginoscopy can also be performed, in both bitches and queens, for investigating causes of abnormal discharge and urogenital bleeding.
Procedure time 10-12 minutes including sample collection.
Common Extras
Uncomplicated Foreign Body Removal (gastric, nasal, lung, otic, urogenital) - £300 + VAT
Removal of a foreign object commonly from the respiratory or GIT tract.
Complex Foreign Body Removal - £500+VAT
Removal of complex or multiple foreign objects commonly from the respiratory or GIT tract.
Removal of a foreign object commonly from the respiratory or GIT tract.
All other procedure prices given on request, please get in touch to discuss your pets/patients needs.
If you are a vet and would like to book a procedure please click the button below to send us a booking form and we will be in touch.